Marie Farrington
2018 - 2023
Marie Farrington makes sculptures that uncover residual aspects of places by tracing the subtle forces and entropies contained in materials. Her works emphasise the notion of surface as a point of intersection between sculptures, images and architectural forms. Recent projects include RESORT Revelations, curated by Caroline Cowley (2018); SÍM Residency, Iceland (2018); Cf at the Research Pavilion, Venice, initiated by Jeanette Doyle (2017); In good faith they waited for gravity, RUA RED (solo, 2015). Recent awards include the Arts Council Travel and Training Award (2018), Arts Council Visual Arts Bursary Award (2017) and Fire Station Sculpture Workshop Award and Bursary (2015).
image caption: See, level, 2018. Cast plaster, seawater.