FSAS Summer School

Details will be released shortly

Summer School audience 2018

The Fire Station Artists’ Studios’ annual Summer School provides an international curatorial research and networking conduit to Irish artists and curators with a concentrated four-day programme of lectures, critique and site visits customised to the chosen theme for the year.

A core focus of the summer school is to support the development of a more inclusive professional visual arts sector that includes curators and writers along with artists. Those who participate in the programme are curators, artists and writers who show an interest in exploring together selected themes relevant to their current artistic practice. The application process is competitive, and participants are required to submit short written proposals concerning their desire to participate in the course.

The Fire Station Artists’ Studios (FSAS) Summer School is generally a four-day programme in which the lead facilitator – an invited artist or curator – collaborates with a small group of participants to explore methodologies concerning their current research tactics and exhibition strategies. The programme is driven by the instincts and interests of the lead facilitator in collaboration with the FSAS curatorial team.

The curatorial team invites the lead facilitator to define the parameters of this four-day programme to articulate a format that is urgent and challenging and that generates a symbiotic exchange in which participants have space to contribute from the experience of their practices. The lead facilitator is also invited to propose other artists and curators to present shorter sessions regarding the chosen themes.

The programme is currently entering its seventh year. Each year’s theme reflects a different dimension highlighting contemporary curatorial practices. Recent themes have included Performative Curating (2016), Gonzo Curating (2017), Curating in the 21st Century (2018), Live Free or Die, (2019), Productive Work (2020) and Workplaces and Their Future Stories (2021).

Details for the 2022 FSAS Summer school will be released shortly

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Dates: Details will be released shortly

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