One-to-One Mentoring

22 Jul 2022

One to one mentoring

One to one mentoring

Each year, we invite a prominent curator to provide one-to-one mentoring and participants are invited to apply.

One-to-one Mentoring is available to curators and artists who wish to develop their understanding of contemporary curatorial methodologies relevant to their practice.

During two sessions, critical feedback is given on specific projects that are currently in progress. In addition, general guidance, a frame of relevant references, developmental advice and sample approaches to planning are discussed in detail and revisited during a follow-up session with each curator.

I have learned that artists living/working in Ireland (especially Dublin) need all the help and support that they can get, otherwise many will leave and this energetic and dynamic range of practices that I have seen and spoken with will diminish.

Huib Haye van der Werf

Curators that we have recently worked with include: Melanie Pocock, Huib Haye Van der Werf, Padraic E. Moore, Kate Strain, Livia Paldi, Linda Shevlin, Val Connor, Aisling Prior, Sarah Searson and Karen Downey.

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Dates: 22 Jul 2022

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