Chronic Connections: Networking for sick and disabled artists

Fire Station Artists’ Studios are working together with Chronic Collective for the second year of Chronic Connections: Networking for sick and disabled artists.
Disabled and chronically ill artists often cannot network in the same way as their peers, this programme tries to bridge the gap and invites curators and programmers to have a conversation with disabled and chronically ill artists about their work.
This programme involves two events, the first event, a networking event taking the form of speed curating (artists will have 15 minutes with each of our curators to introduce themselves and their practice) and the second event, a one-on-one studio visit or meeting with a selected curator.
After the first networking event, the artists will rate the curators in order of who they wish to connect with. Artists will be matched with the most suitable curator for their needs.
The artists will then have one planned studio visit/meeting as part of this programme, with the curator they are matched with.
Throughout the programme, Chronic Collective and FSAS will be checking in and available for support and advice.
This programme aims to build capacity for sick and disabled artists to create dialogue and networking opportunities with curators invested in inclusive practices.
Chronic Collective and Fire Station Artists’ Studios have gathered a panel of nationally recognised curators who have a close interest and practice in inclusion and access to participate in the speed curating event and in studio visits with up to 8 visual artists with disabilities/chronic illnesses in 2024.
The 2024 Networking Programme curators are:
- Clodagh Boyce (Curator at PS2)
- Iarlaith Ní Fheorais (Curator & Writer)
- Maolíosa Boyle (Director of Rua Red and an independent Curator)
- Michael Hill (Programme Curator at Temple Bar Gallery + Studios, Dublin)